Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Purify Your Pool/Spa Water Effortlessly Using Ozone. Feel What It's Like to Swim In Bottled Water.

We started representing Ultra Pure Water Quality Inc. who manufacturers Ozone Generators called Automatic Water Cleaners.  So we wanted to take some time to explain the benefits of Ozone treatments and help folks understand how it works because it can be pretty confusing!

Ultra Pure Automatic Water Cleaners produce the strongest oxidizer available, (Ozone), to do the oxidation work normally attempted by chlorine or bromine.  It works faster and is much stronger than chlorine.  It also acts as a coagulation agent which will increase the performance of your filter.

You will lower your chlorine usage by 60% to 70% on your pool and 80% to 90% on your spa, while lowering the usage of your pH adjusting chemicals!  As you lower the usage of pool chemicals, the Automatic Water Cleaners pay for themselves while you get to enjoy a Nature Fresh Bottled Water bathing experience.

By bottled water bathing experience, we mean just that!  The bottled water you may be drinking right now, has been required to go through Ozone treatments by the US EPA.  Ozone doesn’t just sanitize, it purifies, leaving you with a healthy, crystal clear and often times “azure” blue body of water.

Get To Know Ozone

Water sanitation involves three things. First, biocide action or disinfection which is the killing of viruses, bacteria, and algae on contact.  The second part of sanitation is Oxidation.  Oxidation is the burning or breaking up of nonliving things like organics (lotions, cosmetics, creams, ect) and nitrogen containing compounds (urine and sweat).  The last component is Residual; this is the amount of free available biocide in the water that ensures disinfection is complete. Ozone turns into normal oxygen and the cycle is finished.

Ozone, also known as O3, consists of three oxygen atoms which make this a very reactive gas, as a normal oxygen molecule has two atoms (O2).  It must be produced on site using an ozone generator.  The two types of generators are: Ultraviolet (UV) and Corona Discharge (CD). 

UV Ozone Generation
UV ozone can be produced by passing ambient air over a UV lamp.  The free oxygen atoms (O) combine with the other oxygen molecules (O2) from the airstream to form ozone (O3).  These systems cost less than CD systems because they don’t require special air preparation and cooling systems.

CD Ozone Generation
During this method, ozone is produced with a high voltage electrical discharge.  A controlled spark, called a corona, splits the oxygen molecules as a prepared feed gas is passed across an air gap.  As the spark splits the oxygen molecules, nitrogen molecules (N2) present in the airstream split too.  The generated nitrogen oxides (NOx) can combine with moisture in the air to produce nitric acid which can damage the internal parts of the generator and restrict the flow of ozone.  Contaminated parts should be handled with safety equipment.

A good CD system consists of two or three parts: ozone generator, air-preparation, and a cooling system.  This is better suited for larger water treatment applications because of the high ozone output and the air preparation and cooling systems.

Why Choose Ozone Over Other Systems?

Many pool and spa owners will use chemicals like chlorine and bromine to protect their family from contaminated water; however, chlorine and bromine produce byproducts like chloramines and trihalomethanes.  Ozone will break all of this down & will improve your family’s swimming experience altogether! 
Ozone will eliminate red eyes, green hair, and skin irritation all caused by pool chemicals.  You won’t have to deal with that “chlorine smell” or take showers afterwards because you’re already swimming in FRESH water.  Ozone is natural and a very environmental friendly way to keep your pool clean and fresh.

You will virtually eliminate:

·         Shock treatments
·         Clarifiers
·         Algaecides
·         Filter aids
·         Scale inhibitors
·         Scum line cleaners
·         Scents
·         Filter degreasers

How It Works

When the pool pump is on, ambient air containing oxygen (O2) is drawn across our special short wave length UV lamps.  The UV emissions breaks the oxygen molecules into individual oxygen atoms.  These atoms form O3, ozone. 

The ozonized air is pulled into the suction side of the pump as it works.  The impeller creates tiny bubbles and the Ozone is pressurized into the water in the pipe between the pipe and the filter.  The filter acts as a reaction vessel in which the Ozone breaks down organic compounds (lotions, oils, ect.) and alters ammonia compounds (urine and sweat) making them unable to combine with and use up chlorine. 

The only added element by the Ozone generator is oxygen, nothing like chloramines created by using chlorine.  Once the process is complete, you’ve simply added oxygen to your water!

Want to use Ozone?  Ask Us How!

For more articles and advice on Ozone, see Ultra Pure’s Source page

References used for this blog post:

Barry Nelson,(August 2008). Ozone’s Role in Pool and Spa Sanitation. Retrieved from http://www.waterquality.net/upload/2008_Ozones_Role_in_Pool.pdf

Deborah Kon, (August 2005). The Power of Ozone. Retrieved from http://www.waterquality.net/upload/fmarticlest/The_Power_of_Ozone_4.pdf

Kon, Deborah. (Date Unavailable). Ozone Q&A. Pool and Spa News. Retrieved from http://www.waterquality.net/upload/fmarticleso/Ozone_Q___A_5.pdf

Ultra Pure. (2012). Product and Parts Book.       [Brochure]. Ontario: Ultra Pure Water Quality Inc.